The README says to download the following dependency: `[me.raynes/fs "1.5.0"]`
But the last version on [the Clojars page](https://clojars.org/me.raynes/fs) is `1.4.6`
Hi, an interesting error when including cloth 0.3.1 in my boot.jar:
> java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.sonatype.aether.resolution.DependencyResolutionException: Could not find artifact or…
Nice fx. I would very much like to use it :-)
## Summary
Leiningen doesn't seem to work in combination with Concourse pipeline cache mechanism.
If I run `lein deps` indipendently on my local machine it works as expected - it saves jar files i…
Building an uberjar with `lein uberjar` fails when one of the libraries is a snapshot. It would be great if there were a non-snapshot version available on clojars.org.
I was recently trying to utilize this library in conjunction with org.clojure.core.matrix for the deeplearning4j library but it seems that the clojar is possibly out of date? With a `project.clj :dep…
With the new Clojars policies we can no longer release new libraries as `lambdaisland/...`, we have to release them as `com.lambdaisland/...`. For existing libraries we could keep using `lambdaisland/…
Having added `[clojurewerkz/neocons "3.2.0"]` to project.clj dependencies as suggested by the README, when running `lein deps` I am getting the error:
Could not find artifact clojurewerkz:neocon…