I feel like the second line here is incorrect:
cora_graph = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(citations.sample(n=1500))
subjects = papers[papers["paper_id"].isin(cora_graph.nodes)]["subject"]
When I run the VORC localization example from https://github.com/osrf/vorc/wiki/sensors
roslaunch vorc_gazebo marina.launch verbose:=true
and then
roslaunch vorc_gazebo localization_…
[Info - Plugin Manager] Processing 'Tweet test '
[Info - Plugin Manager] Processing plugin #SiriProxy::Plugin::Twitter:0x000001011c84f8
[Info - Plugin Manager] Matches (?i-mx:tweet (.+))
[Info - Plugi…
## 🐛 Bug
`apply_edges` on cpu device has performance drop recently.
The code for this api is in `python/dgl/heterograph.py`.
The result of time consumption is as follow:
* Which version of Ansible are you running? 2.8.5
* Is your version of Ansible patched in any way? no
* Have you tried the latest master version from Git? yes
Scientific Linux 2.7
python 2.7.5
the cora_adj.npy shows cora dataset have 5278 edges
but the detail of this dataset(https://github.com/yueliu1999/Awesome-Deep-Graph-Clustering/blob/main/dataset/README.md)
shows this dataset hav…
Compare the results obtained from CORA, which is non-rigorous, and Ariadne. AIm to show CORA makes (truncation and roundoff) errors, but Ariadne always gives correct bounds for the result.
Hello,I want to use cora dataset with GraphSAGE, but I can't find the file named cora-G.json and there is no such folder named (./data/cora_graphSAGE).I'm appreciate for your help, thank you.