There seems to be an issue with the naming convention used for the back-icon.png. I got an error trying to assemble the Android app. iOS works fine.
When running `./gradlew aseembleRelease` for Andro…
**Describe the bug**
Media is downloading as expected. However, the following error is shown on the Home panel.
`%FunctionClauseError{module: Calendar, fu…
Hi there, I have been working on these modules and have had a few issues when trying to use these modules via vagrant.
I am using vagrant 1.5.2
When its trying to copy or unzip the install zip's it …
开发中发现ReactNative官方文档中对ListView的使用方式只给了最简单的一个描述,只能显示一个section,对于需要多个section header显示时线索甚少,只能google一番,所幸得到如下使用小结,
先看官方例子,相当的简单明了(对比iOS TableView的使用):
getInitialState: function() {
var ds = n…
Edit from @slorber:
## Temporary recommended workaround
Until we have first-class support and a convenient API to support this, here's the recommended way to add custom navbar items to your site…
### Describe the bug
I can't parse a string in “ui_lovelace.yaml” with an exclamation mark. If I use an exclamation mark, the whole string is put in apostrophe.
### Steps To Reproduce
Steps to repr…
**Describe the bug**
Upon completing the setup process I am met with the error shown below on the home screen. The backend appears to still be working as the youtube channel I had setup to download i…
If you give sceneFilename a URL that is no longer available then the Model generates and error and I am able to catch that error in the onModelError event. While I am notified of the error there is n…
### Description of the issue
I export the EXO configuration with defined components and certificate authentication using an app registration.
Export-M365DSCConfiguration `
-Components $CustomComp…