I used to always get a result that made sense, now when I visit and enter a location in it shows me a google maps image of the place (which proves that the reverse geocode does work) but tells me _"Un…
When a darksky service is called with a lat and long, it returns a forecast with current, hourly and daily data
- [ ] Test with fixtures
Endpoint: #3 Foreca…
to be added in script: 03_temporal_features.R
Apologies if this is a silly question - how to do this does not seem obvious at all. Paper mentions "darksky" and "labels" and "metadata". Where are they?
Apple has purchased Dark Sky and is shutting down the API.
The API will continue to function through the end of 2021.
[More Informations](https://blog.darksky.net/)
Wunderground is discontinuing availability of free keys (https://www.wunderground.com/weather/api); will this library still work in any form? What's necessary to make it work now?
I wonder how hard it would be to make Aerisweather forecasts work with this theme?
As https://darksky.net does not allow any new registrations and stops providing the free forecast at the end of thi…
Because darksky will close its doors for api users, do you already planned to migrate the python script?
I started to migrate your script to [openweathermap](https://github.com/mabunixda/Inside-Th…
I'm on HA version 106.5. Lately the darksky did not refresh itself for at least a da…
Any ideas on how to implement a way to convert a zip code to the lat/long that DarkSky likes in the script? Was using Yahoo, then with help moved over to Wunderground using SimpleWeather and now that…