- [ ] Apply at least four different learning algorithms (from different major groups: Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks, Nearest Neighbor Classifiers, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, Generalized L…
These names in gen_R.py are inconsistent:
def algo_to_modelname(algo):
if algo == "aggregator": return "H2O Aggregator Model"
if algo == "deeplearning": return "Deep Learning - Ne…
# Challenge 25 - Regional Reanalysis for Europe with Machine Learning
> **Stream 2** - Machine Learning for Earth Science
### Goal
The main objective of this challenge is to develop a downsc…
Here's a minimal(ish) example that exhibits some strange behaviour:
``` python
import nengo
import numpy as np
from nengo import spa
import ctn_benchmark
class Vision(ctn_benchmark.Benchmark):
J. Read, B. Pfahringer, G. Holmes, E. Frank, Classifier chains for multi-label classification, in: Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Machine Learning, 2009, pp. 254–269.
Ensembles of clas…
I believe that DecisionTree can be used not only for machine learning, but also for many other applications (for example, to contain expert knowledge). So it would be nice to have it as a standalone p…
🔴 *Project Title*: Microsoft Malware Prediction Challenge
🔴 *Aim*: Develop predictive models using data science techniques to anticipate malware attacks on machines, thereby preventing potential …
### Team Name:
### Project Description:
In this Qhack 2022 Open Hackathon, we propose to re-implement concepts related to asynchronous Quantum Computing, also framed as En…
# User Story
As a machine learning developer, I want to use machine learning or deep learning to predict the direction of any crypto-asset (i.e. btc_usdt), so that I can develop ML-based indicators…