How to make the built output target be es5?
It seems that the default output target is es6, and I can't change it. I have tried many times and I can't find the way to make the ouput target be es5.
In GitLab by @brazilopher on Oct 17, 2021, 11:00
Since updating to .8.73 saving throws for players and NPCs (using default sheets) haven’t worked, with the following error being thrown to the console…
I am getting the following error when I try to load some packages. I only get the error when I have the babel preprocessor on.
Files generated by the protoc plugin, currently, import witht he following syntax `import {x} from 'y'` however for reasons outlined in https://github.com/nodejs/modules/issues/444, the following synt…
i am using date-fns and also for time zones date-fns-tz.
But when using formatInTimeZone method , angular giving CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts warning as depends on dat…
In Meteor 2.3+, importing a module that uses [esm](https://github.com/standard-things/esm) causes the server to crash with a `module.export is not a function` error.
I have made a minimal reproduci…
files: [
{ pattern: 'js/add.js', type: 'module' },
{ pattern: 'test/add.spec.js', type: 'module' }
preprocessors: {
'./js/add.js': ['coverage']
## Context / issue
If you use NodeJS and ESModules, the library imports do not work as expected, you can see an example in this issue:
I hear this one a fair bit and I think it is possible. Not talking about bundling! It does sort of move us into using the auto dep resolution to generate a folder…but wanted to float it here and see w…
- [ ] Add the initial set of front-end CoreData/mapping components to the `geospatial` package (or a new package)
- [ ] Add Tailwind CSS to Storybook