I have an issue about face recognition using FaceNet on RKNN. My main problem is how use converted model (I already converted pb model to rknn) embedding and recognition process. The steps that I did …
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Users\yekeng\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\framework\importer.py", line 667, in import_graph_def
I want to finetune keras-facenet as was described with VGG16 model [Fine-tuning the top layers of a a pre-trained network](https://blog.keras.io/building-powerful-image-classification-models-using-ver…
I'm just attempting to load the model below like you have in README.md,
but am getting the error: " ValueError: bad marshal data (unknown type code)".
These are the version of keras and python tha…
HI, @davidsandberg , I'm trying to use facenet in my computer. But when I tried to verify that the environment is well matched. I got the ValueError. Whatever I use Windows 10 or Ubuntu 16.04, I got…
Im using facenet model. I want to add one more layer at the input. I will take some K dimensional vector, pass it through the function and get (batch_size,160,160,3) as output. I want to feed this to …
Hi. May I know if i missed out any important steps? as i obtained a lower accuracy rather than 99.65% as reported for the entire LFW dataset.
Accuracy: 0.95450+-0.00667
Validation rate: 0.88633+-0…
After training Inception Resnet V1 on my custom images using train_softmax.py produces such directory structure :
20180827-104410 20180827-115022 20180827-120731 20180827-121107 20180827-12…
How does one load the models from a folder?
Reviewing https://github.com/timesler/facenet-pytorch/blob/master/models/mtcnn.py does not indicate a user set for the file path of the model.
Any po…
Thanks for your work. I need to use self-trained tensorflow squeezenet model in darknet, but do not know how to convert it to darknet format. I searched the darkflow and MMdnn tool, but cannot find on…