#task #1/1
### Create facilty and group selection page
author: @KovalovDmytro118
executor: @KovalovDmytro118
https://ror.org/01394d192 has requested that we add their various institutes as children of the parent record. Full accounting in the attached spreadsheet.
UG states that
![Screenshot 2022-04-16 at 2.32.37 PM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/channne/pe/main/files/e3193e42-1927-4c73-b0c0-4ea8ac11f732.png)
But in the summarise command, only the fac…
Mając nowy plik map_items.json, należy przebudować architekturę map_items. Możemy zrezygnować z Category, na poczet rozwiązań OOP - dziedziczenia (departments, faculties, offices po tym samym). To jes…
Research & find additional component of KhEC MIS (Front-End Special).
ErSKS updated
7 years ago
We don't have any evidence that this is causing any known bugs today, but we do have several usages of `org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt` that are clearly wrong and potentially dangerous.
Bug: Faculty field requires the full name of the faculties (apart from fass), which can be quite cumbersome to type. Should be able to type in common short forms (e.g. soc, engin, med)
Steps to repro…
We are running a Jupyter Notebook cluster for WASP faculties and students: http://jupyter.wara-sw.se/
It uses GitHub OAuth for user authentication. By default, a GitHub user who belongs to `wasp-sw…
Not a code issue, but a repo/documentation issue
I'm mostly looking to "readthedocs" because I see some nice math form…
UG states that
![Screenshot 2022-04-16 at 2.32.37 PM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nus-cs2103-AY2122S2/pe/master/files/e3193e42-1927-4c73-b0c0-4ea8ac11f732.png)
But in the summarise command…