Hello, first let me say I think transvar is great, and we are planning to use it in [PomBase](https://www.pombase.org/), the model organism database for fission yeast.
I think there is a bug / inco…
Please can we remove this term. I am continually picking up mappings to this to the fission yeast
DNA replicationligase because in fission yeast the functions are split between paralogs (I think- …
From @dexink
I was just about to ask about whether there was already a ticket! ha
...Because the more I check into Aro1, the more I don't like it.
The length, weight, etc., were originally publis…
Sorry if this isn't the best place to put this but I am a bit confused about how the parser goes from the example training data to being able to extract "type" fields (e.g. article-journal, book, chap…
Slims and categories in OLS for exposing application ontologies e.g. atlas, scAtlas, HCA, GWAS. OLS supports slims for search, but not for filtering against the REST API. It is also not possible to vi…
can we also data versions include
InterPro version
GOA data version
BioGriD data version
on this page?
This is an old issue (#114) which does require a neat solution.
Orthologs are grouped in search results by their UniProt name (ID) prefix, which usually works but fails sometimes, as it is not fool pr…
We now have a query/script for generating paint annotation diffs (at least by count) between Panther versions (e.g. 13.1 vs 14.1). I'll need to parameterize this (along with some other changes) for it…
While curating this paper - PMID:32243490 - I noticed that they named SJAG_03891 as Alx1, but the database name is Rim20. What should we do about it?
From discussion at GOC Cambridge meeting. @valwood will specify first pass