### Tags
1. https://github.com/topics/profile-readme
2. https://github.com/topics/badge
### Repositories
1. https://github.com/anuraghazra/github-readme-stats
2. https://github.com/cascandaliat…
For example, with 30 second effort using [shields.io](https://shields.io/) I created this
### Code of Conduct
- [X] I have read and agree to the GitHub Docs project's [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/github/docs/blob/main/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
### What article on docs.githu…
We need buttons to subscribe on at least apple and spotify, ideally others, some of this can come from feeder if needed, some from API calls, and some from just knowing how to make a url with the righ…
Highlight various ways the Badging Project in CHAOSS promotes DEI in events and Project using Badges.
Submission Method:
- Use the comment session to present a link to your blog
- Tag a reviewer…
There are some plain buttons with a bell icon that look like notification badges that should use the `` component. For example in the dashboardwrapper
## Context
Incorporating automated testing into our CI/CD workflow is crucial for maintaining code quality and ensuring compatibility with multiple Python versions. We aim to integrate `tox` for mana…
**Help wanted: help me complete the mapping between web-features and MDN URLs**
The features listed in the web-features repository don't come with MDN URLs.
However, linking web-features to MDN UR…
@mpfeil suggested to integrate Loki into our Grafana environment: https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/ so we can access server logs more easily.
### Current Behavior
[Layer5 recently announced](https://layer5.io/blog/community/layer5-recognition-program) an enhancement to the ways in which it recognizes milestones achieved by contributors and…