### Godot version
### godot-cpp version
### System information
windows 11, Intel i7, 64bit
### Issue description
I am trying to install GDExtension for my godot, i am following the ht…
I am trying to add fmod to an existing Android/iOS project and getting the following error message when trying to run on iOS:
ERROR: GDExtension dynamic library not found: addons/fmod/libs/ios…
Is this plugin compatible with version 4 or planned to be updated to support it?
Danm good plugin by the way, thanks.
I can't install plugin on Godot 4. Can't find it on AssetsLib. Is it supported?
An option for launching the Godot 4 runtime would be great for this! Will this be added in the future?
- NativeDialogs v2.2.1
- Godot 4.3 Stable
``` gdscript
var native_file_dialog := NativeFileDialog.new()
func _ready():
native_file_dialog.file_mode = NativeFileDialog.FILE_MODE_OPEN_FILE
there is an issue at main.gd line 371
`Line 371:Too many arguments for "draw_list_end()" call. Expected at most 0 but received 1.`
I want to ask for godot 4 SDK that would allow to use sketches in godot... by that I mean ability to get most of brush materials working in godot... and reactivity to sound.
Is this possible to bring to GDExtension with 4.0+
# Minimum Example Project
# How to reproduce
In the attached example, build the extension using `cargo build`.
Open the project with Godot 4.3 …