Need to describe the various things we are expecting to cover, from institution requests to occasional support needs around users, roles, etc. Need to include when and how to do messaging to folks, h…
Based on discussion we had on the [mailing list](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdwig/2021Mar/0027.html) and in the SDWIG plenary session in May ([minutes](https://www.w3.org/2021/05/27-s…
With flatten structure, it can be very helpful to define attributes in a sub-structure.
N.B.: it can use also multiple attribute structures
struct Root {
Right now Links injects a meta description tag directly into the header. Not sure if this is the best approach or not?
MrMaz updated
11 years ago
Are there plans to implement [`unpackbits()`](https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.unpackbits.html)?
And what are good practices for getting the same result **_fast_** while `unpa…
There's a large amount of dead code here and elsewhere; it's good practice to remove i…
@scrooj add readme.md with some good code practices
I might be wrong on this one so I’d like to ask why you decided to commit your `.env` that’s in the `admin` folder .
Generally , it may not be viewed as good practice as our `.env` (s) often …
I'm am working on the Interflop project with ANEO to develop a frontend for Interflop using DynamoRIO.
What would be a good practice to integrate this repository ?
Copying the backend and i…
Add `RotaPlus.DB` to the `GitIgnore `so local changes on your separate PCs don't conflict, as you will need to merge DB changes every time you commit if the other person has made changes to the DB.