I need to be able to find eigenvalues on an asymmetric square matrix (as offered by [numpy](https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.linalg.eig.html)), although it seems that `ulab.linal…
Hi,Thanks for your great work! I have some questions when I read your article "AprilTag: A robust and flexible visual fiducial system". In Setion " Homography and extrinsics estimation", why the camer…
Hi, im trying to train SoftTeacher Fast R-CNN, but the network is not learning at all.
It's related to #10223 but it doesn't resolve my problems.
model = dict(
I am trying to understand the different elements of the code. However, I fail to see why you multiply by a matrix called fix when computing the tag pose. I have an intuition that it has something to d…
@viplix3 Hi!
Thanks again for your work.
I have been playing with GMC algos and there seeme to be a pb in
`HomographyMatrix OpenCV_VideoStab_GMC::apply(const cv::Mat &frame_raw, const std::vecto…
i have already installed Sophus, Fast and g2o from:
and i tried to build CNN-SVO, but during compilation i get these errors, could someone g…
Hi i try to detect an image inside to another image, i use the freak detector / KNearestNeighborMatching / RansacHomographyEstimator and I have the matrixh.
I can't find the way to obtain the corners…
Hi, I'm working on a project about 3d reconstruction. Now, I have camera intrinsics such as
but I can't find other infos. Is that translation means position…
I'm having trouble with the auto-calibrate part and therefore rectifying my images in WASS. The extrinsic parameters and therefore the H homography matrix are causing my image to rotate more than nece…