@salviador ROS is very popular for DIY robots. There are meny different motors and controllers compatible with ROS, but they are not so cheap and power like hoverboard motors and control board.
Hi, I am wondering what firmware you're using with this ROS driver?
@AILIFE4798 , i have begun to implement the `SerialServer2HoverConfig` struct you already imported with remoteUartBus.c
case 2:
SerialServer2HoverConfig* pData = (SerialServe…
Hi, and sry for opening an issue again.
I have a 4WD Drive made out of two hoverboards and want to connect one on serial 1 and one on serial 2 of the esp32 if have it running so far and can control…
Please make new social share image
When someone shares Hoverboard site on social media (say twitter/ facebook). The so…
Hi @Candas1 , thank you for accepting my pull request.
As i thought you would not want to do that, i pushed more changes to my fork that now found it's way into your repo.
I added the STM32F103RC …
i have found 3 sets of these boards, but unfortunately no firmware as far as i understand it. found this issue a while ago, but still no sollution. https://github.com/EFeru/hoverboard-firmware-hack-FO…
Hi Alex, and thanks for a very nice platform to build of, would it be any chance you could add Joy / teleop_twist_joy to you repository so i can use a Xbox controller ? i dont have a ds4 and have been…
Hello [AustinOwens](https://github.com/AustinOwens) i love your plan using a hoverboard motor.
in our communit where doing something different using that motor making a forcefeedback steering wheel.
### Variant
### Control type
### Control mode
### What can we do to make the firmware better?
Hello everyone, good work and big efforts you doing,
Excuse me, I’m using Hoverboar…