While importing the exported PMX file it begins to load fine but at the end crashes while(i guess) calculating the dark colors, with a `KeyError: 'color'` error. Stacktrace and full blender logs from …
I feel like when i use this tool i play the lottery with the 50% chance the model will properly export i had issues where a certain accessory will mess up the entire exporting process (for example sal…
Everything is fine expect for the eyelash texture and the red highlight.
![Koikatu_F_20191107045056666_Matoi Ryuko_Evaan](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112973330/188702152-8505f6fd-07aa…
Megumin's boots aren't being exported.
I'm using blender 3.3 and the v6beta of the exporter.
![Koikatu_F_20220309170635271_紅魔族の めぐみん](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/64150986/190674264-2a7…
There are some cards that don't use "Hair" and instead make them accessories
#152 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/447115249997578241/909715995743113226/Koikatu_F_20210928054725402_Eula_Lawre…
*operating environment
koikatsu ver5.
kkapi ver v1.33
blender v3.1
kkbp pluginupdate [40f63f1](https://github.com/FlailingFog/KK-Blender-Porter-Pack/pull/138/commits/40f63f1d8e5b0be7dfa7…
I am using 0.18.0 Click into the taskbar after the icon display but does not show the i…
when trying to convert to rigify after creating the metarig I get an error
I included the card
*operating environment
koikatsu ver5.
kkapi ver v1.33
blender v3.1
kkbp pluginupdate [1a9a97a](https://github.com/FlailingFog/KK-Blender-Porter-Pack/pull/138/commits/1a9a97ae8ea48cee033…
**BepInEx** -
**Screenshot Manager** - 18.2
**PostProcessingEffects** -
Something odd is happening when I'm trying to save the coordinates card and a PostProcessingEffects plugin…