I would like to work on this issue under GSSoC. Can u please assign this issue to me?
Might be good for comparing phone numbers, for example.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `lar...@gmail.com` on 12 Jan 2013 at 11:39
Here you need to find LCS of 3 strings using dynamic programming
Hi @TechVine , can you please assign this issue to me and add Hacktoberfest labels !!
⚠️**是 subsequence, 而不是 substring**
m = "abcliuxm"
n = "liuximin"
get_max_lcs_len(m, n) => 5
get_max_lcs_len(m, n*1000) …
The current solution could be spooked with 2 inputs : "ABCDFE" and "FOOBCDBCDE". The logic will create a map that will still end up having the last letter E in sequence.
According to [Wikipedia ](…
When I started toybox, I planned to build in some common-use algos, too. Stuff like:
- Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)
- Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS)
- Prime Factors
- Sum of Arithmetic S…
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