- [x] pyABC https://github.com/icb-dcm/pyabc
- [x] PTMCMCSampler https://github.com/jellis18/PTMCMCSampler
- [x] ptmpi https://github.com/chris-n-self/ptmpi (blog entry https://chrisdoesscience.word…
TMB is used through R exclusively with the TMB package, although it requires a separate cpp script with the model. It's kid of analogous to using JAGS (where the model is written in BUGS language and …
gpseudotime is the only instance of running GPLVM in Julia: bgplvm.jl.
Trying to run the gpseudotime.ipynb in the current version of Julia (0.5.2), I find that {} should be replaced by [] in bgplvm.…
This is more of a long-term feature request. Sorry for rambling. TL;DR: dagger needs HMC.
The LMH algorithm works by sampling individual elementary stochastic events from their respective priors, t…
I would like to store a sequence of trees derived from a Metropolis-Hastings MCMC sampler. This sampler stores its current state as a [`networkx.DiGraph`](https://networkx.github.io/documentation/stab…
### Describe the issue:
Close to the end stages of fitting an ODE model with ABC-SMC, the kernel fails with `np.linalg.LinAlgError` for a particular model. It's not possible to catch the exception …
Is the content exactly the same for the TF version as the original. I'm guessing if something cannot yet be done in TF it could have been skipped. There seems to be nothing present in the official des…
Just wanna open an issue to track this
This task is on the GSoC 2014 project http://www.shogun-toolbox.org/page/Events/gsoc2014_ideas#mcmc
Stan webpage: http://mc-stan.org/
While the project is about writing a modular class representation…
I'm trying a basic example, estimating mean and variance of a bivariate normal distribution given independent samples.
For this example, the prior on the mean and variance is that they are positiv…