# Basysian Posterior Sampling (1) Introduction — Yuanzhi Zhu
The last post was written around one year ago, when I decided to switch my semester project topic from style transfer with normalizing flo…
> [!NOTE]
> If you have a request to support a specific method, or would like to see priority of one of the listed methods, please open a separate issue, so it won't get buried in this thread. Base…
### Issue Description
Following the tutorial on Normalizing flows http://pyro.ai/examples/normalizing_flows_i.html
If I use Planar and Radial Flows the example throws
Hello, I wonder your nll is correct?
I think, your z is the latent varia…
It would be very handy if Distributions would support [Functors.jl](https://github.com/FluxML/Functors.jl).
This would allow for using Distributions with Functor-enabled applications (e.g. [Optimiz…
### Issue Description
Many normalizing flows require the use of transpositions during the flow, allowing different transformations to operate on different dimensions. Since transpositions don't chang…
1.Learning to Reconstruct 3D Human Pose and Shape via Model-fitting in the Loop(2019)
collaborate regression-based (as initial pose) and iterative optimization-based approach.
code: No
2.Weakly S…
@sschmidt23 implemented a basic pzflow-based RAIL Estimator in PR LSSTDESC/RAIL#116 (addressing issue LSSTDESC/RAIL#94). There are numerous upgrades that could be made. I will list them here to keep t…
Hi there,
I have been using your Normalizing Flows codes for variational inference. When I use the two different flows: SlowMAF and MAF, the quality of these two results are very different (Slow vers…
The training and sampling strategy is similar to siggrapah 2023: **Iterative 𝛼-(de)Blending: a Minimalist Deterministic Diffusion Model**