Link: https://github.com/eclipse/mosquitto/issues/1277
Mosquitto: 2.0.12-0mosquitto1~bullseye1
Armbian 22.02.1 on OrangePi Zero, 5.10.60-sunxi
I had followed steps to reproduce issue, i even ex…
需要在orangepi zero plus上运行插件,全志H5的cpu,
Bonsoir Guiiix, voici les deux messages que j'obtiens quand je lance le script...
* : Making request to /index.html
* : Seems to be ready
* : Making request to /index.html
* : /!\ Unable to …
advfr updated
6 years ago
Fantastic work! The idea with the mounting plate and modular edge is worth the project alone from my point of view! I'm just going to use OrangePi Zero 2 W and then connect a port or three on the edge…
From Linux:
$ cat build/sun8i-h2plus-orangepi-zero.raw > /dev/$SDCARD
From Windows (?):
I'm thinking about using this for smaller phone for convenience.
[`wait_for_completion`](https://github.com/orangepi-xunlong/linux-orangepi/blob/c192384ac705014cedbdf7fb5b1949922e6d2f1f/drivers/net/wireless/uwe5622/unisocwifi/tx_msg.c#L318) puts the calling thread …
运行 `sudo ./airkiss wlan0` 之后,提示如下:
` Error during iw_scan.
ERROR to scan AP, init with all 14 channels`
`libiw-dev is already the newest version (30~pre9-12ubuntu1).`
系统: ARMBIAN 5…
Hi hexdump0815, tremendous work, greatly appreciated.
I'm trying to get the Mali GPU drivers working on Orange Pi Zero 2, with Orangepizero2_2.2.0_ubuntu_bionic_desktop_linux4.9.170.img or Orangepi…
Okay, at this point I can say that I've tried pretty much everything. I've searched all over on the internet and I can't get the spi1 to work through the WiringOP libs on my OrangePi Zero!
Is there…