- [ x] I am on the [latest](https://github.com/sdispater/pendulum/releases/latest) Pendulum version.
- [ x] I have searched the [issues](https://github.com/sdispater/pendulum/issues) of this re…
I started the learning a few minutes ago and this is what I got in command prompt:
E:\agents>python -m agents.scripts.train --logdir=E:\model --config=pendulum
INFO:tensorflow:Start a n…
I already had to model my environments in MuJoCo due to baseline algorithms that used it. As a proof of concept, I would like to use you pretrained Humanoid and let it run through my environme…
I was wondering whether you have tried to train a model with ddpg + her.
I had some success training sac + her but with ddpg my arm "folds" itself by eventually setting q to joint limits.
If you …
I am trying to run GAIL on HalfCheetah-v2 environment. In order to do so, I used the example of pendulum which exist on GAIL section of documentation. However I get following error when I use GA…
d(k) = C(z)/D(z)e(k)
where C(z) and D(z) are polynomials that can be specified and e(k) is the current random disturbance variable added to the angle state.
x3(k) = x3(k) + d(k)
Hi, what should I do if I run the Pendulum-v0 environment with this offpolicy ppo code of yours? Can you please write a simple modified code?
There are a number of dependencies of PyAirbyte which are stale relative to security updates. We'd also like to build a formal process to stay on top of relevant security and dependency updates.
### ❓ Question
I am currently using SB3 version 2.3.2 and gym 0.25 and am having the seed problem. I checked the code on github here and saw that seed should not be passed to monitor.py but I do no…
**Describe the bug**
Fail to install gym==0.21 (necessary for installing stable-baselines3 and gym[box2d])
`!pip install gym==0.21`
**System Info**
processor : 0