Implementing a generic element extending the QGraphicsItem class that receives and stores id (used on file write), initial positon x,y.
Create stress tests for:
- number of tokens in a place (is there some evil overflow? Is it failing "gracefully"?)
- number of places associated with a transition
- number of transitions in a net
Can we use petri nets for better computation of paths through types? Side effects help when there are assertions that test that side effect. But there is no way to reach a side effect path if there is…
I just noticed that in the petri net schema the state names are properties of the state objects, but the transition names are nested inside a property dictionary.
"model": {
Synthesis attempt of VME bus controller results in the following error:
./atacs -otys vme.lpn
Logging session in: atacs.log
Now generating atomic gate implementations.
Dingo-Hunter is not able to detect a deadlock for the program below: (you can also find the code in this pastebin link https://pastebin.com/C4Md3yLB). The extracted CFSMs are correct, however the GMC …
I've implemented the schema to support integration with MIRA models as discussed at the TA2 WG call today.
just as an idea, you might think about using : read, write and *control* dependencies.
I've found that separating the notion of control variables, i.e. a subset of read variables is a good id…
Tried to run sbt test. Got the following message
==> X org.ergoplatform.client.PetriSpec.build petri net 0.239s java.io.FileNotFoundException: /Users/ian/dev…
what if
MUST Forever Be a Good Boy
AND MAY today Beg for food
AND MUST for 1 week Come when called
our underlying logic allows subcontracts to be con…