as you demo video demonstrated. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV18f4y197R7/
I'm looking to convert the checkpoint file and .pkl to .h5 file format, has anyone come up with a solution for this?
When already successfully tracking a device and have a good idea of the orientation, we can infer a tracking update from as few as 2 LEDs. Doing that will mean successfully tracking a device under fas…
I have a 3D points cloud that I'm tracking thoughout a video. I'm using g2o for Pose Opitmization as in [PoseOptimization](https://github.com/Phylliida/orbslam-windows/blob/master/src/Optim…
FRSCA appears to operate within the OpenSSF GitHub Enterprise Org (the parent to the github.com/ossf org), they appear to have a Honk logo, and they appear to be a project within which at least depend…
We have provided at least one easy and clean Python demo for every model here in the zoo. As described in https://github.com/opencv/opencv_zoo/issues/132, Python demos sometimes can be too concise to …
Hello,when i run hand_tracking's example:
from vuer import Vuer, VuerSession
from vuer.schemas import Hands
from asyncio import sleep
app = Vuer()
async def…
Dear @riips and @ryuto-yoshida ,
Thank you for sharing one of your great work and congratulation!
I have successfully run your code on my use case. In my use case, there are two overlapped camer…
Hi, is there any way to overlay the reconstructions(mesh) to the image, as you've done in your demo videos?
Nice to meet you community, here I would like to share a project in charge of saving the results of the key points in a sqlite database based on the ultralytics tracking functions, I hope this code ca…