When I have a candidate(s) that doesn't fit the screen (which is common with something like project-wide search using counsel) posframe, created by ivy-posframe, just hangs and I can't close it by cho…
I don't have any helm configuration, and I enabled helm-posframe with (helm-posframe-enable).
When the completion buffer is up (with any command), I get an error when I hit (helm-select action), an…
This is the screenshot when which-key displays keybindings in minibuffer.
This is the screenshot when which-key displays keybindings in posframe.
The last row is missing.
Trying to install the dap-mode package using `M-x package-list-packages` and upon saying 'y' on the prompt to install I get an error on Emacs saying.
> Symbol's value as a variable is void …
Text is black on dark grey, e.g. with posframe:
el-docstring-sap--posframe-arghandler-plist is a variable defined in
(:width 80 :internal-border-width 2 :backgr…
This is rather minor as it does not cause any real harm, but if one disables juvix input mode and go to a new file, a stack trace like this shows up.
First off: thanks for a great package!
# Issue
I have an issue where the posframe doesn't seem to resize correctly. More specifically, it seems to be a line to short when displaying certa…
Using this package and [emojify](https://github.com/iqbalansari/emacs-emojify), emojis don't render properly. Disabling ivy-posframe-mode fixes the issue. The display in ivy-posframe is quite nice, is…
Error in post-command-hook (flymake-posframe-display): (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)