@CokeClarke suggested:
Hello everyone! I didn't figure it out how to contact you directly (by e-mail or message) so I'm posting a comment here. It is just a small suggestion for "superproductivity…
The keybindings should be independent of the keyboard layout.
There are indefinitely many examples how the bindings of Fcitx do not work because it uses the strings produced via the keyboard layout…
BPO | [24912](https://bugs.python.org/issue24912)
--- | :---
Nosy | @malemburg, @gvanrossum, @brettcannon, @rhettinger, @ncoghlan, @pitrou, @vstinner, @larryhastings, @benjaminp, @ned-deily, @njsmith,…
I'm using Boost 1.75, via Homebrew. I have a test failing in my code, because the precision of the result of mixed-type arithmetic (multiplication at least) between complex numbers and rational numbe…
Our current approach to keeping a changelog is to add entries in an ‘Unreleased’ section, and then rename that section when there is a release. This means that any PR that spans a release needs to be …
This issue lays out the reasoning for why I think strings should be lists of Unicode Scalar Values (as currently written in the explainer). This is a fairly nuanced question with the reasoning curren…
My team has been using Redux for a couple of months now. Along the way I've occasionally found myself thinking about a feature and wondering "does this belong in an action-creator or a reducer?". The …
Uncertainty is a fundamental aspect of natural sciences, and an important although IMO underdeveloped part of game theory. (Not underdeveloped so much because of lack of awareness or interest, but b…
Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness
by Richard H. Thaler, Cass R. Sunstein
I'm suggesting that we add a maximum date (Dec. 15 2020) for the Genesis event. This would mean that eth2 genesis kicks off even if we don't hit the required minimum deposit amount (524,288 ETH) in th…