I have custom deserialization logic of protocol buffers and I took advantage of field names being interned to improve performance.
- build protobuf-c from scratch on ubuntu, to get right version and paths https://github.com/protobuf-c/protobuf-c
- sudo gem install pbf_parser
- install mongo
- sudo gem install mongo
I am using python 2.7 and I am trying to `pip install imposm.parser`.
The first thing I did was to install protobuf with `pip install protobuf`. That installed version 2.6.1 in `C:\Python27\Lib\site…
I had to make the following change to setup.py in order to build/install imposm.parser on OSX.
``` python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./pytorch/train.py", line 647, in
File "/home/jin/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fire/core.py", line 138, in Fire
Hi, I'm trying to compile this project on Ubuntu18.04, and I've written a Cmakelist.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
set(CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER /usr/local/cuda-10.0/bin/nvcc)
### Proposal
tl;dr: To scrape native histograms, the scraping has to happen using protobuf. The current protobuf parsing creates a lot of memory churn. In practice, that mostly boils down to increase…
When you stream in data from Dat to R, should we:
- use the R protobuf library and read protobuf streams from Dat (would also involve passing the schema in first). I think this would require a patch t…
I have this error on using protobuf parse:
ERRO[0201] Unable to handle UDP message category=receiver error="parsing failed: unable to extract data from protobuf packet. SystemID…
Hi there,
As a beginner learning about quantization, I encountered an error related to `protobuf` while installing PPQ. I resolved it by downgrading `protobuf` using the command `pip install protob…