in classical training i try to run relation network but it says illegal backbone used. what do i need to change due to the output must be feature maps ?
**Considered solutions**
What …
I am following the Prototypical Networks tutorial for a personal project. However, I am using a different dataset that does not belong to the FewShotDataset category as mentioned in the defi…
What is the best way to train a Transductive Information Maximization (TIM) model with a resnet50 inside? I think it has something to do with the gradient calculation inside the TIM model…
Edward Ma. [A Gentle Introduction to Meta-Learning](https://pub.towardsai.net/a-gentle-introduction-to-meta-learning-8e36f3d93f61).
I created an example that might help you.
import torchvision.transforms as tt
import torch
from torchvision.datasets import ImageFolder
from easyfsl.methods import FewShotClassifi…
貼吧活動:(請查閱 [SARS-CoV-2 Timeline by 2020.02.21](https://github.com/agorahub/_meta/blob/agoran/theagora/sari/Memorandum_2020-02-21_SARS-CoV-2-Timeline_Nathan.pdf?raw=true), by Nathan :cloud: )
- Colla…
Thanks for your sharing about FSL, there is one problem:
When I finished the tutorial 'Discovering Prototypical Networks' , I want to use my own photo data to build test_set, how can I …
dear sir i am working to reproduce the results of this work but i am getting the bugs of magphase which i also didnt find in the torchaudio documentation ? can you please elaborate that is their any a…
- [x] Abstract model
# Environments, Networks, and Accounts - An Abstract Model
The initial abstract model is rather simple:
An environment is an execution context for a task invocation.
A …
hello i have a question.
Is it correct that the backbone should adjust the batch norm statistics when processing the prototypes (s. https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.04779)? I get significant differences w…