## Script Title - Automated Quiz Generator from Folder Files for Personalized Practice
**Brief** - This script automates the process of generating quizzes by extracting content from PDF files store…
## *Lab/Experiment(s) Hosting Request*
## Virtual Lab Name: Chemical Process Dynamics Laboratory
## Discipline name: Chemical Engineering
## Institute: IIT Kharagpur
## Phase II Hosting request
A link to my video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/135DzVZgvTSEfSWDVXkDrSjd8qpa3xi2X/view?usp=sharing
All the Ideas Listed Here
- [ ] 💡Inventory QR Scanner #67
- [ ] 💡GithubApi+Node+Dashboard #69
- [ ] 💡Site/ Endpoint with Avatar each time #70
- [ ] 💡Create a Best Tutorial Site for Learning usin…
Team gets a [7.75/8](https://github.com/katiehickman/m224_seals#week-8-sprint-78-week-8-due-1018) (4.5/5 pbl requirements, 0.25/0.25 extra credit, and 3/3 Collegeboard work)
Make an issue for each thing you did in week 4 and write a description of it in the issue comments.
# Summary
There seems to be interest in what it would take to use Datahub for a deployment of prairielearn - an open source online assessment tool. I was just talking to Andrew Bray and he was wan…
Hello - there's a plugin for exporting/importing GIFT with media, which involves a zip file. The binary files (media) stored in a folder relative to the GIFT source. Read more here: https://moodle.org…
:red_circle: **Title**: My Flashcards
:red_circle: **Aim**: A simple application to create and review flashcards for different subjects.
:red_circle: **Brief Explanation**: Add new flashcards with …