Eine zentrale, deutschlandweite Datenbank scheint es bisher nicht zu geben. Hier eine Übersicht der Webangebote aller Bundesländer. Kaum ein Bundesland bietet einen Datenexport an. Wir könnten aber na…
Seems that some files are missing on http://titania.fs.uni-saarland.de/nexus/content/groups/public
Here is the error message:
Found 6 projects:
- .
- javaslicer-common
- javaslicer-core (with assemb…
in the class xmlProcessor the
I can't find any official documentation or usage of mgiza.
Please add in readme some usage/tutorial with example.
Can someone help me with creating/finding a list of sentences to record to build a voice in English? And then how to automatically label those sentences for voicebuilding?
### A URL for this dataset
### Dataset description
> The Royal Society Corpus (RSC) is based on the first two centuries of the [Philosophical Transactio…
I was using pycld2.detect() method to detect languages of text.it detected wrong for serbian it detected bosnian and for bosnian it detected serbian , please provide solution if any
- Due to some administration arrangements, I need to have plans for a hybrid or online or offline setting for the presentation
- After some thoughts:
- I won't prepare for a [hybrid] presen…
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