Hi! I have tried the [demo in Colaborate](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/12x7v-_miN7-SRiziK3Cx4ffJzstBJNqb?usp=sharing) on my own server. I found there are some bugs. I'm not sure if these is…
The inclusion of these packages requires some tweaking to properly use scijava-scripts/release-version.sh again because of the new licensing requirement which puts license headers on all source files.…
Discovered this when using SceneryBase.waitForSceneInitialisation in headless mode (e.g. `System.setProperty("scenery.Headless", "true");`)
Running the advanced `Flybrain Out-of-Core` demo leads to a reproducible seg fault. Interestingly, no interaction is need to trigger this fault. I discovered this bug when I let sciview download the f…
The "Open N5..." command is the first thing in File, before "Open...", which feels strange. Why can't "Open..." also handle N5 files directly? If it really needs to be separate, shouldn't it be File &…
Whenever a new sciview window is launched, the rendered region does not take the GUI scaling from Windows into account, meaning it may render a smaller region:
smlpt updated
9 months ago
Look here (after #285 is merged):
I like the overlay regime! But...
- when …
When windows display scaling is active like this:
then the node selection popup menu is displaced by that amount: