This is really excellent work! Thanks for putting it together.
I thought you might find this publication relevant/useful:
Newton, G., A. Callahan & M. Dumontier. 2009. Semantic Journal…
The DPV terminology is based on that used by the GDPR (reflection of its conception). In order to make it easier to use the DPV for specific jurisdictions, tables for alignments or mappings can be pro…
The other day we were discussing exercise outcomes and I realized that there is a bit of a disconnect between how we consider an outcome.
At the moment, an outcome is associated with an exercise in…
# Motivation
Since ichigo v0.5 will support additional language that will make the traditional t2s obsolete. This is a good chance to introduce a t2s framework that we have full control over.
# Go…
Def: A matching process based on interpreting an existing mapping provided without an explicit semantic mapping predicate.
Example: An ad-hoc two column mapping provided by a re…
I would argue that "entity.name.type.parameter" is a poor choice of textmate scope to tag user-defined types of function parameters.
It turns out that VSCode maps the semantic token "typeParameter"…
(Took me way too long to realize this, and it just goes to show that most of us are just point and click type of fellas who don't really understand what we're using - not really a skiddie because we c…
First of all, thanks for publishing the 2D rasterization of semantic labels!
Unfortunately when launching
` python -m semantic.prep.rasterize_semantics_2d semantic/configs/rasterize_sema…
I want to add a new "mapping activity" which I can use as a "mapping justification" in SSSOM:
name: `"entity cloning"`
definition: `"A process that involves cloning an entity from one semantic spa…
Does anybody can give me some explanations about:
- I think the semantic mapping module is not a learnable module, am I right?
- What is the ground truth we need to train the semantic global polic…