**Current State**
There are [5 websites in Alexa Top 1 million](https://publicwww.com/websites/%22window.frappe%22+/) which use FF(Frappe Framework). There are 1300+ sites in total which are public…
### Information about bug
I was installing frappe health when it gave me an error
Now I'm trying to remove it and I'm still getting error
frapp@106:~/frappe-bench$ bench --site dev.example.ke un…
## Context
The documentation does not mention:
-installing dependencies
-running the language file setup using npm run language
-compiling the ts files into js using tsc
documentation does no…
As far as I can tell, we have been using `bench` to measure potential improvements to Coq.
However, I think the test methodology may be a bit flawed in that most users caring about performance won'…
Per [our docs ](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/consistency) there can be up to a 3 minute delay in modifying HMAC state. As such, it is occasionally causing system tests to fail. After speaking…
I tried to install this app, on my VM and I am having errors. Please help
Traceback (innermost last):
File "/home/frappe/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/app.py", line 60, in application
### Information about bug
I got this error when I updated to v14.30.0 version and all dockers run failed when I try to start worker or run `bench migrate` command
Stacktrace when frappe start_wo…
i have installed nvm using> nvm install 14.15.0 but in the bench initialisation step>bench init frappe-bench i faced the error as shown below.
error frappe-framework@: The engine "node" is incom…
I'm trying to run the benchmarks against a single-node system:
$ ./vard.native -dbpath /tmp/vard-8000 -port 8000 -me 0 -node 0, -debug
unordered shim running setup for VarD
In **py-frameworks-bench** they have another minimal setup:
The tests themselves seem to show [falcon](https://falconframework.org/) as the quickest.