as it starts in `/devel` , the user isn't able to (easily) see the source of the contribs, while they are used in the exercises.
Note that currently the SIRF-SuperBuild installs them in `/opt/SIRF-…
They copy data from sirf_exercises_path but should be stuff like
import sirf.Utilities
data_source_dir = os.path.join(sirf.Utilities.examples_data_path('PET'),'brain')
_Originally posted by @ashgillman in https://github.com/SyneRBI/SIRF-Exercises/issues/9…
When building Docker:
/devel/SIRF-Exercises/scripts/download_data.sh: line 195: rsync: command not found
The notebook makes use of some data that is not available and it is not explained how to get it. Possibly it should be executed after the [BrainWeb](https://github.com/SyneRBI/SIRF-Exercises/blob/mast…
Oh, one other point, the terminal from Jupyter has a horrible command prompt that appears after every command:
/bin/sh: 1: __git_ps1: not found
(base) sirf:\w$
_Originally posted by @DA…
## Release Checklist
Set version variable of the release for further steps, e.g. using the format
1. Submodules (within SIRF)
- [x] tag data
+ `git submodule update` #…
I've tried to get Docker going inside the VM (see also #462). The jupyter notebook server was running fine. However, `SIRF-exercises` was not in `/devel`. This looks like a permission problem:
I have no strong opinion here, but we had forgotten and had an error when we ran the exercises. Of course, the error message directly told us to run this script so it is very transparent.