Assassination missions need to be implemented. This probably entails some work on the hud in order to clearly communicate the target enemy ship.
Additionally for both the existing clearance mission…
## CVE-2021-23440 - High Severity Vulnerability
Vulnerable Library - set-value-2.0.1.tgz
Create nested values and any intermediaries using dot notation (`'a.b.c'`) paths.
Library home page: https://…
## CVE-2022-37598 - High Severity Vulnerability
Vulnerable Library - uglify-js-3.10.2.tgz
JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit
Library home page: https://registry.npmjs.org/u…
## CVE-2022-3517 - High Severity Vulnerability
Vulnerable Library - minimatch-3.0.4.tgz
a glob matcher in javascript
Library home page: https://registry.npmjs.org/minimatch/-/minimatch-3.0.4.tgz
## CVE-2021-23343 - High Severity Vulnerability
Vulnerable Library - path-parse-1.0.6.tgz
Node.js path.parse() ponyfill
Library home page: https://registry.npmjs.org/path-parse/-/path-parse-1.0.6.tg…
## CVE-2022-38900 - High Severity Vulnerability
Vulnerable Library - decode-uri-component-0.2.0.tgz
A better decodeURIComponent
Library home page: https://registry.npmjs.org/decode-uri-component/-/d…
## CVE-2022-25758 - High Severity Vulnerability
Vulnerable Library - scss-tokenizer-0.3.0.tgz
A tokenzier for Sass' SCSS syntax
Library home page: https://registry.npmjs.org/scss-tokenizer/-/scss-to…
I tried to redo the game by importing the library but without success.
I was able to import SDL2 "Add from Installed" but it is not recognized.
Thank you for your help.
## CVE-2021-23440 - High Severity Vulnerability
Vulnerable Library - set-value-2.0.1.tgz
Create nested values and any intermediaries using dot notation (`'a.b.c'`) paths.
Library home page: https://…
## CVE-2022-25881 - High Severity Vulnerability
Vulnerable Library - http-cache-semantics-4.1.0.tgz
Parses Cache-Control and other headers. Helps building correct HTTP caches and proxies
Library hom…