Acceptance Criteria: User can indicate which data version they want results for. Hydrocron returns data belonging only to the collection version that is associated with the data version they indicated…
> swot-clock@0.5.0 prestart /home/olyerickson/Desktop/SemNExT-Visualizations
> gulp build
[06:22:58] Using gulpfile ~/Desktop/SemNExT-Visualizations/gulpfile.js
[06:22:58] Starting 'ts'...
Aanpassen van Project canvas en SWOT
Schema maken van prototype
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prototype uitwerken + uitleg
I downloaded the simulated SWOT data from AVISO. The data is along the track. I used the PET method to detect the eddy, but it could not be carried out. The returned error shows that the latitude and …
Updating the navbar and SWOT analysis section with proper UI.
The ingestion of input products (PIXC/PIXCVec/Raster/Orbit) in the UAT environment is currently a manual process.
In order to replicate the production environment's ingestion workflow, the SWODLR …
Something great is happening.
Our real reason for looking at this is to understand how you built the two-window Campfire version.
How to we get *that* running (on our local machines)
I am working on parsing dmrpp metadata files to match the format of zarr metadata files ([parser PR here](https://github.com/zarr-developers/VirtualiZarr/pull/113)). The only piece of missing informat…
Exemple ZIP file linked in the README.md is not found (404 error)
The dead link : https://swot.jpl.nasa.gov/files/SWOTsimulator/swotsimulator_largedata.zip