texlive 下载texlive.iso:https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/CTAN/systems/texlive/Images/ texstudio 下载texstudio-4.8.1-win-qt6.exehttps://mirrors.tuna…
> install.packages("F:/R/rrr/catboost-1.2.7.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
Error: object 'myPaths' not found
Execution halted
Warning in install.packages :
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues and checked the recent builds/commits
### What happened?
I followed the instructions at https://github.com/AUTOMAT…
### What happened?
I'm creating a new conda env and installing python 3.9.0
> conda install python==3.9.0
conda version is 22.9.0
### Conda Details
conda info
active envi…
after running `conda env create -f env.yml` on my mac M1 in China it reports such an error:
- pytorch
- nvidia
- pyg
- conda-forge
- defaults
Platform: osx-arm64
环境为MacOS 已经安装了anaconda ,镜像源切换为了清华源,执行安装依赖的时候tensorflow-cpu==2.6.1找不到报错如下图
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): ...working... done
Solving environment: ...working... unsuccessful …
The conflict is caused by:
praxis 1.4.0 depends on tfds-nightly==4.8.3.dev202303280045
The user requested jax==0.4.26
jax[cuda12] 0.4.26 depends on jax 0.4.26 (from https://pypi.tuna.ts…
现在 `tsinghua` , `ustc` , `huawei` 都已经报 `404` 了,哈工大直接访问超时
也就是给出的 $4$ 个国内源全都不能用
现在找到能用的是淘宝的镜像源 `https://mirrors.aliyun.com/archlinuxcn/$arch`
建议修改一下 谢谢
- Ubuntu 20.04
- GPU: RTX 3080
- Driver Version: 535.183.01
- CUDA Version: 12.2
I am trying to train and run IASSD using tensorrt, I followed the installation instructions for pyth…
### Name and Institution (Required)
Name: Kexin Zhang
Institution: Tsinghua University
### Confirm you have reviewed the following documentation
- [√] [Contributing guidelines](https://geos-…