Sagrario's Room Escape is a lovely, photo-realistic escape game. The given URL is the one I've found where the game at least still loads. Unfortunately, there comes a point at which it's impossible …
Enhancement request.
Include following GOES-16 / GOES-R data:
- SUVI (Solar Ultraviolet Imager)
- GLM (Geostationary Lightning Mapper)
- EXIS (space weather predictions - early warning of impend…
Can someone please explain, what a bare server is? And how is it helpful for a web proxy?
I noticed on uv.config.js there is an option to specify bare server location. But clueless on what exactly …
Issue tracker is **ONLY** used for reporting bugs. New features should be discussed on our Discord server.
After loading Discord through Ultraviolet, I am unable to load messages in any channel…
File: `beamercolorthemeNYU22.sty`. So `\usecolortheme{NYU22}` will load it.
See: [NYU Colors](https://www.nyu.edu/employees/resources-and-services/media-and-communications/nyu-brand-guidelines/desi…
It would be great to have an icon to indicate UV (ultraviolet) levels.
I copied my mlpackage file into this demo . it can be accurately recognized in the mlpackage file of the x-code, just like the image below:
But when I run the code, these are displayed:
gem install ultraviolet
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR: Error installing ultraviolet:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
Example cable for Universal Mode