It would be interesting to have a statement on the precedence of readOnly rules vs required rules
given the specification here
User provides text in the support request including single curly-quotes ( ‘Decadent Sisters’ ) and ellipsis ( A new journey begins… ) that, when…
I showed @accopeland what we've been doing with bioboxes recently. He gave a
few comments which were useful feedback. He mentioned that that bioboxes/velvet
Dockerfile contains a lot of code is not im…
While the underlying Traefik "middleware" configuration is available to plugin biz logic via in `hostConfig` as Grain's Json* types, parsing out values should have some helpers.
Something like a Ma…
- [alert](https://app.forta.network/alerts/0xe95e894b99d78c1aec65ac64a4faa06e7a33b155f233987804db01af23cd7b0d)
入力がたくさんある時にPythonのmatch書くの大変じゃない? どうするんだろうねぇ
I recently watched Ron Howard's video called "Navigating xLights With Chapters" and realized that the numbers that I have been looking at for years when I click on the timeline actually do something a…
我知道 验证器代码解构是这样的
public function is_date($v){
$res = preg_match('/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$/', $v);
return $res ? 0 : 947;
### Description
opened the IDE and it crashed.
ran Steam file validater, it fixed some thing. now opens fine.