Here you will find a long list of the articles thats need to be coded. They are divided into sections, one for each coder (TR = Timo, MR = Melanie, JC = Joseph, AB = Agata, LK = Liam). Each item in th…
This is a continuation of a question by @studiodyne asked in issue #5705
I have a question for experimented user
Why MARLIN RC8 , doesn't have the p…
_From @Roxy-3DPrintBoard on March 30, 2016 19:59_
The Atmel ATSAM3x8e on the Due board is definitely viable. It has the benefit it can plug into the RAMPS or RADDS base board and at that point it i…
@gariel-google Dear author, Thanks for sharing the source code of the paper.
I was trying to reproduce the result of the paper using your code. However, with your default setting (batch size=4, l…
class HomeScreen extends StatefulWidget {
factory HomeScreen.home() => HomeScreen._(
tabId: CupBottomNavigationBar.indexHome, // static const int indexHome = 0;
This issue is for the discussion of having primitives defined in user-space.
A couple of thoughts:
- What functions might we need to add to support this?
- Should we transition all possible built-in…
Hello, I noticed a problem where running the simulator or level1/level2 the RGB and depth image at frame_i dont seem to be aligned. This gives us bad results because we rely on aligned image data.
Test Horizen’s new TokenMint Platform and Cobalt web wallet on Testnet and document steps/findings.
**Scope of work:**
- Download and install Sphere by Horizen Testnet as per [Toke…
When I was trying to train a new centroid model (topdown training was smooth), the training process seemed to be OK at the beginning. But then when it tried to conduct an early stopping, I got …
**Submitting author:** @avik-pal (Avik Pal)
**Repository:** https://github.com/torchgan/torchgan/
**Version:** v0.0.4
**Editor:** @arfon
**Reviewers:** @NMontanaBrown, @terrytangyuan