Exactly like: https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/async/api.html#discord.Client.create_invite
My python bot was working normal, until i switched to PyCharm IDE and it messed with something that will make the bot to not start. I tried reinstalling python, discordpy but nothing works!…
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Nekmo updated
6 years ago
New in Python 3.7:
Backwards incompatible syntax changes:
async and await are now reserved keywords.
Due to this, the code in compat.py
except AttributeError:
create_task …
Reported on Discord by bakert#2193
Hi i was wondering how i get a user to give them selves a role buy typing .(role) i cant seem to figure it out can someone help me. im using @bot.command
http://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#user should contain a variable entry for User.roles
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/command.py", line 72, in handle_command
await method(Commands, client=client, channel=message.ch…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/command.py", line 72, in handle_command
await method(Commands, client=client, channel=message.ch…
VersionInfo(major=0, minor=16, micro=11, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
import discord
client = discord.Client
async def on_ready():
this cause…