I would like the Tizen client to change the tv mode to match the video file.
Currently, when watching video files with 23.997 or something frame rate it looks choppy, almost like a flipbook. I sea…
I think combining motion detection with classification like [yolo](https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/) and using AI-sticks as workhorse could fit very nicely in to the core purpose of motioneyeos.
在 issues 的历史线上有一个相关问题,https://github.com/irychen/keepalive-for-react/issues/9 但是这个问题的解决办法——通过 CSS 来做动画,并不适用我的方案。
1. 路由切换
2. 旧的组件缓慢移除
3. 新的组件缓慢进入
于是我需要使用 SwitchTransition 的 ou…
When a notification is sent to android hass app using SgtBatten's notification blueprint it provides the clip url that looks like `https:///api/frigate/notifications/1730296666.946824-qaky68/drive/cli…
I was wondering if there were a way to modify this to give a variable or PWM output representing a distance, or speed?
I figure a number of these placed strategically might allow one to map and obj…
**Home Assistant Android app version(s):**
**Android version(s):**
**Device model(s):**
Pixel 6 Pro
**Home Assistant version:**
Home Assistant 2023.3.6
### Checklist
- [X] I have updated to the latest available Home Assistant version.
- [X] I have cleared the cache of my browser.
- [X] I have tried a different browser to see if it is related to my b…
I am having some issues with adding a switchbot "Thermo-Hygrometer", and hoping you all can help me out!
**Sensor**: SwitchBot IP65 Indoor Outdoor Hygrometer Thermometer
amazon link: https://a…
Lyn Forster requested additional results:
## Vertical impulse
From Oosterlinck:
> Vertical impulse (VI) was calculated by time integration of the force–time curves and multiplied by time, normalise…
I wanted to expand the optimizer to include whole-body dynamics, instead of only centroidal dynamics. The advantages are clear: the output is directly in joint torque which can be directly …