Hi, I am working with Nanopore direct-RNA sequencing and found your tools really useful. However, while I was trying to use your BamSlam script to generate some summaries and figures for the alignment…
carbon catabolite repression of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by glucose (GO:0000433)
**Which term do you propose this term merge into? Provide GO ID and term label**
GO:0000122 …
First of all, thank you for developing such a powerful and intuitive tool.
**Describe the bug**
According to the documentation, the RNA count input for the SCENIC+ pipeline should consi…
Hi, I would like to use a different storage / external hard drive to store data from the analysis using the RNA detector. In that, my internal memory isn't large enough. I am unable to do this and I w…
The data coming from the GOA pipeline is on AmiGO staging. This ticket looks at the differences across the two datasets.
**GOA ftp**: https://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/contrib/goa/panther_proteomes/
I'm trying to reuse some relatively "old" illumina RNA-seq data not strand-specific. What would be the best way to process them?
Thanks a lot
I have been looking into using the RNA-seq data but have some questions on the gene annotations for the V2-RNA-seq data that I get from running your GDC-prepare-function.
How do the 21022 genes tha…
I'm getting an error when try to run transIndel_build_RNA.py like this:
`python transIndel/transIndel_build_RNA.py -i sam.sorted.bam -r hg38.fa -g Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.94.gtf -o sam.indels.…
### Issue type
Other type of issue
### Bug description
Roman numerals entered into a score using the RNA text tool do not seem to be exporting in the xml file. This means they do not appear in a B…
**agat_sp_merge_annotations.pl output incompatible with cellranger**
I have two gff files I want to merge.
One is an old annotation, and the other is a new annotation I have just made using brake…