The annotation "@ApiDoc" in method
`Sonata\MediaBundle\Controller\Api\GalleryController::getGalleriesAction()` was never imported.
I'm using SonataMediaBundle to store multiple images in an entity called `Restaurant`. I've also created a `RestaurantHasMedia` for the OneToMany relation and the related Admin classes. The issue happ…
I have Sonata Admin and Media set to "2.4.*@dev" and I get this error. I tried looking up the problem and I noticed that the request is empty in the [SonataAdminBundle:CrudController](https://github.c…
I did install the dev-master version of Sonata Media (+ all requirements) and it is working fine. Now I am trying to use the amazon s3 fileservice to upload my images. When I upload images then it's s…
The input tag is reduced, how to fix this?
![Image of Problem](http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/04/1421835429-logo.png)
new Knp\Bundle\MenuBundle\KnpMenuBundle(),
ghost updated
9 years ago
See: https://travis-ci.org/sonata-project/SonataMediaBundle/jobs/72112494#L699
Can't reproduce it on my local.
@rande any idea?
I'm using `SonataAdminBundle 2.3` and `SonataMediaBundle 2.3`
There are not icons on buttons when creating an new media.
![schermata del 2015-05-01 23 57 16](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets…
Updated my project via "composer update" yesterday now I am getting the following error:
The service "sonata.…
In https://github.com/sonata-project/SonataClassificationBundle
Cannot find the tag 2.3 which is being refrenced from composer.json in master branch
sonata-project/classification-bundle dependency is pointing to 2.3 which esists on packagist but not in github. See https://packagist.org/packages/sonata-project/classification-bundle#dev-master and h…