Provide a generic interface to integrate a polynomial over a polytope.
See also #18232.
Depends on #22497
CC: @videlec @mkoeppe @jplab
Component: **packages: optional**
Keywords: **days84**
Hi, I am currently using QDECR to process some MRI data. I, unfortunately received the error code below in R and was wondering if you knew a solution? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Error …
The following code
sage: ModularSymbols(Gamma0(46 * 47), 2, 1, GF(47)).eisenstein_subspace()
produces an ArithmeticError saying "subspace is not invariant under matrix". In a presumably com…
Dear Saff,
I'm developing a customized mfem bilinearform and I'm trying to make a deeper understanding of the mfem finite element spaces and integration rules. And I have some questions regarding t…
Hi!I am looking for the implementation of the cheb2leg algorithm mentioned in paper “FAST POLYNOMIAL TRANSFORMS BASED ON
TOEPLITZ AND HANKEL MATRICES", but it seems that the implementation in this pa…
First off, this is my first ticket here, so please let me know about process related stuff that I missed.
As per [this discussion on sage-devel](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sage-devel/B…
The crash report is attached. The installation is from the latest Fedora 32 package (sage 9.0).
Component: **build**
Reviewer: **Samuel Lelièvre**
_Issue created by migration from https://trac.sa…
Convert Coxeter3 to a new-style spkg.
CC: @sagetrac-sage-combinat @nthiery @anneschilling @jdemeyer @vbraun…
After #26212, there remains only a few failing doctests (not using any optional package).
- 1 in src/sage/tests/books/computational-mathematics-with-sagemath/graphtheory_doctest.py #28300
We replace some `range(0, a)` by `range(a)`,
occasionally replacing `xrange` by `range`
or a list by an iterator.
Component: **refactoring**
Author: **Frédéric Chapoton**
Branch/Commit: **[`d2a9…