## The Problem
So basically if you check my lsp-zero.lua only initial 2-3 keymappings are working and other than those none are working.
When I execute `:nmap gl` (gl is mapped to open_float()) it …
Instead of (something like):
" @function ...
" blah
function a#b()
Be able to write (something like):
" blah
function a#b()
Ditto for `@option`, `@command` and `@mapping`.
## Result from CocInfo
## versions
vim version: NVIM v0.8.0
node version: v16.16.0
coc.nvim version: 0.0.82-93852e6c 2022-09-30 21:54:52 +0800
coc.nvim directory: /home/carlo/.loca…
老哥想请教一下你是怎么自动format vimscript的,我看到这个snippet觉得应该不是手动换行的吧?我找了一些资料,但没看到什么可以把一个长的行字懂格式化成像这段代码一样?
let s:core_conf_files = [
\ 'globals.vim',
\ 'options.vim',
\ 'autocomman…
### Self Checks
- [x] I'm using the latest lualine.
- [x] I didn't find the issue in exsisting issues or prs.
### How to reproduce the problem
local Lualine = require("lualine")
Type: Bug
On VSCode Insider closing project crashing while using macOS Native tabs. Somtimes on first tab closing causes crash
VS Code version: Code - Insiders 1.75.0-insider (6ed4d436a9b6ae1317…
Following the discussion in #573 after `iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim` was removed, let's continue this here.
I think plugins that either have `nvim` in their name or are unique (do not have an equi…
It would be nice if there was a setting that let you stop carbon to messing with the alternate file. When you press `C-^` you go to the previous edited file (aka alternate file).
## Current behavio…
Keymaps with the Alt key in MacOs doesn't work. What other apps that handle terminal does is configure it to send esc. [Alacritty](https://github.com/alacritty/alacritty/blob/1df7dc5171abfe1eab3e95be9…
### Self Checks
- [x] I'm using the latest lualine.
- [x] I didn't find the issue in exsisting issues or prs.
### How to reproduce the problem
disabled_filetypes = { "dashboard", "Nv…