## **New Schedule**
7. **05/03**
a. Update simulation configuration document model issue #39
b. Design and implement the db crud for simulation configurations Issue #12 (@jearistiz)
### Bug summary
when trying to plot the timeseries of dH or -TdS the program quits unexpectedly with pandas error `pandas._config.config.OptionError: "No such keys(s): 'mode.use_inf_as_null'" `
Hi, trying to use up4 to visualise velocity fields, noticed the tutorial code doesn't work, even with the test file provided. I think one of the commands has been changed from vector_field to vectorfi…
I am a second-year graduate student majoring in laser science. Recently,pulse propagation in the presence of quantum noise has been generalized to waveguides with arbitrary frequency-dependent…
According to [this plotting example](http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/plotting.html#datasets), xlabels and ylabels are labeled with units. However, row labels and column labels omit the units.
I am using plottr 0.9.2 for live plotting of measurement data, and I regularly find that after 1-3 days of plotting, the plottr python process begins to consume anywhere from 3.5 up to 10gb …
- igraph (library used in SoilRexp and dependency of py2cytoscape)
- pro:
- nice layouts
### Describe the new feature or enhancement
Hello! I am currently working on a feature to drop Epoch based on callables in #12195, and thought it would be a nice feature to be able to see which Epoch…
#### software version info (bokeh, python)
Python: 3.6.10
Bokeh: 2.2.3
#### Description of expected behavior and the observed behavior
To activate a tool other then by default bokeh gives th…
Ahkab currently supports two radically different syntaxes and semantics for describing circuits and analyses:
- a SPICE3-like netlist format, akin to what one might encounter when using pspice, ng…