RhinoMocks allows for the ability to return different objects the second, third, fourth etc. time that a method is called. This is particularly useful when you are mocking a factory for use in the cla…
The tests are very fragille. Some of the calls to bamboo.io can be mocked, I start using [mock](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/mock) in bamboo, it's very helpful.
For that do call we can poll the statu…
*Requested feature*
I am not sure if GoMock supports this natively or not. If it does, it would be nice if the documentation reflected how to do interaction testing more clearly. Interaction test…
Please implement the HTTP POST "multipart" support, so that file upload will be possible.
Please follow the [Part Servlet API specification](https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/servlet/http/Pa…
### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe
For new contributors, it cant take a while and be a bit confusing where to start when developing, as it requires setting up a provide…
We need to design and implement a method for automating testing of the sound effect and music system in MonoGame. This system will work under the existing [testing framework](https://github.com/mono/…
Pretty big bug. Let's fix by creating the add-on!
**User story**
As a user
I want to be able to dpeloy my site to [Vercel](https://vercel.com)
So that I can ride their platform's wave of popul…
I wish to knwo if there is any way to mock the CaptureDevices (CaptureDeviceList).
I need that to test several code, that relays on the detection of the devices, but, i can't make a mock or substi…