When I try out the following code the order of the lines in the original vcf file header is scrambled. The biggest problem with this is that the ##fileformat=VCFv4.1 line gets moved someplace else, an…
Hi Erik
We've hit another bug, when running freebayes as below we're getting this error with the build (2f4c924639e3a81c468e7586d1982fa2a0ac3fcd) and the previous couple:
terminate called after thro…
Hi Erik
Looks like we've found another bug.
When running the latest commit of freebayes (https://github.com/ekg/freebayes/commit/094879e3e7949d409e451add253c2dbdb3dc9a2d) with our dataset it's aborti…
We've been attempting to run freebayes (have tried 0.9.2., 0.9.3, 0.9.4 (ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS x64b)) on a small population of of medium to high coverage animals, and are getting a segfault after a n…
Freebayes seems to get 'stuck' with no log output with -d, so I recompiled with -dd flag
(Im on commit 1caf163c7c76cd65d8f31fa63fc241dac6db648 )
Now it works with the -dd flag...
$ time freebayes -…
There is a 9mer A repeat at this position, so 454 is producing a spectrum of basecalls. However, I think these should not be listed as separate SNPS...
2 38295648 . AAA A 35180
2 38295649…