和 infocard 案例收集不同。 infocard 案例收集主要是确定一些网页抓取方式,便于开发网页解析工具。
预置数据可包含软件的logo 界面图 一句话简介,以及一些预置选项:
名称: twitter
see also: #92 debunked "double hump"
in https://www.nature.com/news/how-to-raise-a-genius-lessons-from-a-45-year-study-of-super-smart-children-1.20537:
> what has become clear is how much…
We present 3 types of plots in the ggplot lesson:
- scatterplots
- boxplots
- time series
However, it feels that this lesson could be made more interactive and the 3 types of plot presented don't see…
Currently going through CS3 -- opening issue to report a couple text issues:
1. activites -> activities
### What is the problem?
Callout sections are coming up as all capitals and underlined - see https://carpentries.github.io/instructor-training/02-practice-learning.html#analogies-at-work-software-car…
**Problem Statement**
_Talent shortage of cybersecurity professionals_
Demand exceeds supply within the cybersecurity workforce, as cited by numerous statistics and studies in recent years [1](h…
As part of previous presentation feedback we want to ensure we are taking advantage of the designed curriculum to enable contrastive learning examples. Programmatically within ADAM to compare two diff…
We at EOWG are familiar with the format that goes:
Problem: blah blah
Works well: blah blah
But the rest of the world may not be. I am afraid that in trying to be succinct we plop people down int…
### [Design](https://www.figma.com/design/ZKaf6u8mIHkAanluWafXAp/Learn?node-id=3473-42814&m=dev)