What's the tensorflow version? thx
Hi Xunhuang,
We like your paper very much, and reimplement it in TensorFlow here:
We hope more people can…
AttributeError: module 'tensorflow._api.v2.train' has no attribute 'slice_input_producer'
I've seen several people here post about this but have yet to see a solution. I've tried downgrading python…
**Short description**
I'm trying to add a new dataset. Serialization succeeded, but when loading the data, the error below occurs.
TypeError: Only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), tf…
## 🐍 Package Request
- tensorflow,lightGBM:
- pypi :
Thanks a lot of this wonderful work. I am wondering if you could help me in running this on Tensor flow? I did translate the main components but I am getting errors.
import tensorflow a…
I have trained the model for RGB-to-3D and Depth-to-3D. Now, I am running the eval.py for evaluation of the trained models. However, there is an error for both the cases as shown below;
which tensorflow version should I chose?version==1.4.0?
Hi, what is the TensorFlow version?Because the different versions of TensorFlow are very strict.
Thanks for your excellent work! Could you please tell me your version information about your code and models?
I found that your .json model is generated in keras1.1.0, and could you please tell…