The celery4 branch contains a working Celery Protocol v2 implementation for PhpAmqpLib. The changes are not yet ported to the other backends.
It should be very straightforward for PECL AMQP - basic…
Because OpenStack uses the python library carrot to support the AMQP messaging it should also be possible to use an other queuing system than RabbitMQ.
Several AMQP message broker implemen…
### What happened?
We are running FrankenPHP (non-static variant) in Docker on our Kubernetes platform. This is in worker mode with a Symfony application. The application seems to work well; howeve…
We have severe performance problems with node-amqp when under load in production. To reproduce I created this little publisher program:
``` JavaScript
var amqp = require('amqp');
var conn = amqp.cr…
connection.completeConfiguration() doesn't reject the Promise if the connection string passed is wrong.
//wrong connection string
let connString:string='amqp://donald:duck@ducktales:'+cfg.Por…
Note that dependency: node-amqp-connection-manager currently has a reported bug (possibly?) and does not currently handle drain events. While it guarantees receipt of all published messages, it does n…
{"err_msg":"java.net.SocketException: Too many open files\n\tat java.net.Socket.createImpl(Socket.java:460)\n\tat java.net.Socket.getImpl(Socket.java:520)\n\tat java.net.Socket.setSoTimeout(Socket.jav…
I am using a delayed exchange and been trying to mock it. I am getting the following
`Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No exchange type x-delayed-message
at com.github.fridujo.rabbi…
I have found what seems to be similar issues talking about this error (#312, #379) but since they haven't been addressed, I'll leave my take here.
Basically, while consuming a message, if…